How do I apply for Foundation grant funding?
An application may only be made in writing (email application) or via our online form.
Please us the following relevant application form template:
Applications should be clear, concise and no more than 5 pages. Ensure that all fields within the template are completed to the best of the applicant’s ability. Where relevant, support material such as project budgets and quotes should be included.
When to apply
Foundation Broken Hill’s Board of Directors meets in Broken Hill 4 times per year. To ensure that applications are considered at this time, please contact the Foundation Manager for a current schedule of these meetings.
For your application to be considered at the next scheduled Board meeting, your application will need to be received 7 days prior to the meeting date.
Application assessment Procedure
The Foundation’s Board of Directors may require a personal presentation further detailing the project prior to a decision being made. Applicants will be notified if a personal presentation is required. All applicants will be notified in writing of the decision made by the Board of Directors regarding their funding request.
Where to apply
Applications can be sent to:
Foundation Broken Hill
PO Box 899 or 164 Argent Street
Broken Hill NSW 2880